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The Beautiful Sisters


The Beautiful Sisters.

Part 1

That winter was contented

Dark days and cruel winds passed unnoticed

and now the season has relented

I reflect upon its passing.

It was around late November I first attended

a haven known as the Mission Hall.

A banner stretched above the door read

"Welcome, Welcome one and all".

It being a strange and troubled time

I asked the good St Leonard

if he could gently guide my path

and act as my own shepherd.

I came there as a volunteer

to help with cleaning and tea and snacks

and to provide a warm and safe atmosphere

in which the visitors could relax.

And so it was one evening,

icy nose and chillblain toes,

I arrived at the Mission Hall

and so the story goes

I wandered into the reception,

before me was a girl in a wooly hat

and next to her upon the bench

her beautiful twin sister sat.

With smiles as broad as crescent moons

and hair that hung like royal ribbons,

their beauty unrivalled nor duplicated

and with no discernable divisions.

I never ever learned their names

but I called them Faith and Grace

and the evening's became warm and sweet

as they wrapped a glow around the place

They spoke to me most joyfully,

their sensual and whispy tones

made every hair stand on end

and sent a shiver through my bones.

A feeling I would enjoy many times

I christened this my 'skeletal shake',

It felt like meteorites wrapped In christmas lights, crash-landing on a frozen lake

or when citrus hits the dormant palate

and our sleeping senses are forced to wake.

Then all at once I realised

it was the sound that Angel's make.

My love I gave to these beautiful sisters

and they gave me their's the same.

Alas mine was solely for selfish reasons

and purely for my gain,

while there's was coupled with goodness and light

and blessed Jesus' name.

Wed spend many a night In pure delight

In the house of Faith and Grace

and the sisters would gather lilies and rose's

and scatter them all around the place

and Indulging in our appetite's

as they quickly gathered pace,

the sisters would then dance for me

in shrouds of thinly veiled lace,

wrapped around their perfect forms

and pulled across each other's face.

These perfect night's. Heavenly sights.

Moment's to embrace.

So it came that I was faced

with what is truly a moral dilemma,

to take a sister and be only hers

for good, for bad, forever.

It would be unfair, for both I care,

to choose one or the other

and neither alone deserved to wear

the trophy of a lover.

As we ate and drank, the lord we'd thank

for this glimpse of the divine

and unto each other our limbs would link

and 3 bodies would entwine

So we became a trilogy,

A triangle, a trinity

and joined like the earth, the sun, the moon

the morning crept into afternoon

and then we'd sleep on petals strewn like


carpeting every room.

Part 2

The Nightmare

7 days and nights in heaven

7 days of rapture

but in 7 dreams I saw my sins

so the time it came to end this chapter

I saw the line between love and lust

and how I'd betrayed the sisters trust

and by forming such an unholy tryst

I'd so become the incubus

Through nightmares in my waking hours

I saw the error of my ways

and in depths beneath the bed of flowers

the coming of my end of days

I saw the burning gates of hell

and within the devil's masterplan

all at once I became but a man,

Not a puritan. A charlatan.

So it came to make the choice

to choose a life of virtue or vice.

I chose to sit somewhere between

the realms of purgatory and paradise

So I said goodbye to the Mission Hall

for the time had come for me to leave

and I gently broke it to the Sisters

that in my heart

I didn't believe

For I'd flirted with this great foundation

but never settled in its nation.

I'd never been graced by his formation

nor felt the faith in his imitation.

Part 3

A Brother's Farewell

Now I've lost my faith

tell her it was just inevitable,

she was just a girl I met

inside the back-street Mission Hall.

I climbed upon her fire escape

used her as a crutch to stop my fall.

Now I am lost and so is my faith

I guess we're just not compatible

Now I've fallen from Grace

tell her it was nothing personal.

I kinda liked the way she looked

saw it as an undressed rehearsal.

I couldn't share her with another

so I lost my faith with grace,

I leave you now as an absent brother

whom you sister's must replace.

For gone is the beauty in light

The magnificence for which you stood,

Thanks for warming those winter nights

Goodbye to the beautiful sisterhood.


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